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Application of Graph Theory In Air-Transportation Network

P Solai Rani and Syed Muhammed Owais

Graph theory is used for finding communities in networks. Graphs are used as device for modeling and description of real world network systems such are: transport, water, electricity, internet, work operations schemes in the process of production, construction, etc. Although the content of these schemes differ among themselves, but they have also common features and reflect certain items that are in the relation between each other. So in the scheme of transport network might be considered manufacturing centers, and roads and rail links connected directly to those centers.

In this paper is designed the solution for an practical problem to find a Minimum Spanning Tree by using Kruskal algorithm and graph search Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest path between two points, Also, for this case was developed a network model of the transportation problem which is analyzed in detail to minimize shipment costs and to find the eccentricity along with Jordon’s centre.

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