44 2033180199

Carbon Nanotubes produced by HiPCO Process in Nanopharmaceuticals Applications

Badis Bendjemil

Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SCWNTs) have attracted a lot of attention in biomedical fields. Their easily functionalised surface and ability to encapsulate different materials make them interesting not only for imaging, but also for other applications, such as drug delivery and cell targeting. This work concerns specifically the use of SWCNTs producced by HiPCo process to fabricate in situ encasulated by iron nanoparticle for bio-imaging. These nanoprobes are composed of iron nanoparticle encapsulated inside the SWCNTs and the nanotubes are grafted with anti-bodies functionalized on the outer surface. The results of the analysis on the nanohybrids nanomagnet show an average radius of 40 nm is favourable to the development of nanoprobes in cancer diagnosis and therapy.

Publicación de revisión por pares para asociaciones, sociedades y universidades pulsus-health-tech