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How Did the Online Education Model Emerged by the Pandemic Affect Middle School Childrens Academic Motivation

Sefa Bulut

Covid 19 has affected our lives in many ways, education is one of them. Many countries have adopted the distance education model since. Countries such as China were used to this model before the pandemic and so their research shows that children did not have difficulty in adaptation. On the other hand in some countries students did not even have internet at home experience and libraries were insufficient. Being productive while trying to cope with health problems affected especially young children. Lack of motivation is one of the problems that they experience. Anxiety about the future, not being able to socialize with friends and being able to maintain their academic motivation will affect their college and career decision. Planning the hybrid education model adopted in the near future with families will also be beneficial for children. In order to benefit this model, which is still very new, applications and following research should be carried out.

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