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Management of health equipment and conditions for professional exercise

John Rim

Clinical Engineering began in the 1970s in the United States of America, with its primary focus on hospital equipment management. In the years that followed, the field began to expand in terms of responsibility for technology appraisal, transfer, and management. The structure of the Clinical Engineering sector in Brazil, on the other hand, began in the 1990s, but there is still no clear consensus among professionals and the scientific community 
on who may legally fulfil the tasks of a clinical engineer. Some writers claim that the profession of clinical engineer is unregulated in Brazil and a 2014 study found that clinical engineers come from a wide range of academic backgrounds and professional qualities. In the opening of their work, the researchers claim that non-engineering people fill many clinical engineer positions. However, we can see from their findings that the great majority of professionals who responded to the surveys were Confea/Crea System members, albeit with extremely diverse profiles. 

Publicación de revisión por pares para asociaciones, sociedades y universidades pulsus-health-tech