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Pharmacology 2019: Impact of The Application Of Pesticides On The Concentration Of Some heavy Metals On Vetagetales (Spinach and Sorrel) – Hassan Garba Wafi -Adamawa State University

Hassan Garba Wafi


The plant protection products in additions to their specific role to kill pest on vegetables were observed to exhibit a characteristics impact towards increasing heavy metals bioavailability within soil and streaming rate in plants. In this study, the role of pesticide 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate in influencing heavy metal uptake by the plants was evaluated by comparing the concentration in roots, stem and leaves of sorrel ( Rumex acetosa) cultivated with and without pesticide. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determined the concentrations of heavy metals in plant. The fractions of some heavy metal( Cd, Pb, Zn and Mn) taken up by the plant treated with pesticide compared to untreated were observed to follow the trend Pb>Cd>Mn>Zn respectively. The correlation between the pesticide treated in plant and untreated plant in metals concentration was visible for the above part of the plants. The measured concentration of Cd, Pb, Mn and Zn when compared among the various organs shows an elevated amount in the leaves, particularly in Pb concentrations. From the results, the pesticide was observed to facilitate significant metal uptake in plant. The treated sorrel exhibit high heavy metals compared to untreated sorrel.
With worldwide overwhelming metal focus expanding all through the World because of different human and normal exercises, biological systems have been and are being debased with substantial metals. Exercises, for example, controlled and uncontrolled removal of squanders, unplanned and process spillages, utilization of Agricultural composts, herbicides, bug sprays and pesticides, and relocation of contaminants into a non debased land as fumes and leacheate through soil, or as residue, or spreading of sewage slop, contributes towards pollution of the biological system. A wide scope of materials which cause sullying incorporates, substantial metals, inorganic and natural mixes, oils and tars, harmful and unstable gases, ignitable and putrescible substances, dangerous squanders and explosives. It has just been appeared from examines that defilement levels of effectively extractable copper, zinc, lead and cadmium are available in surface soils, and pollution levels of copper, zinc and iron happen in herbage n! otably around overwhelming industry zones [2]. The utilization of pesticides in the treatment of vegetables and the nearness of substantial metals in pesticides is one of the wellsprings of overwhelming metal contamination of vegetables. The destinations of the current examination in this way, was to build up the impacts of pesticides (DELVAP 1000EC) which is one of the commonest pesticides utilized by vegetable ranchers in Yola, on the substantial metals (Cu, Cd and Pb) levels in two types of Spinach (maroon and green) developed in Yola.
Materials and method
A pilot garden was readied comprising of four beds, and two types of spinach (maroon and green) were planted. The beds were flooded with clean faucet water. Three weeks in the wake of planting, two of the beds (one maroon and one green) were splashed with pesticide (DELVAP 1000 EC). The utilization of the pesticide was rehashed week by week until development of the spinach following 12 weeks. All the four beds were reaped and isolated appropriately. Tests were taken from every one of the four beds, and were altogether cleaned and washed to expel residue, earth and potential parasites or their eggs. Each example was separated into three sections (stem, leaves and roots).the tests were diminished to fine powder on a processor before drying at 60°C in a broiler (LTE Greenfield) to a steady weight.
Half gram of the fine powder tests were weighed into funnel shaped flagon and processed in a blend of 4 ml of HClO4, 25 ml of HNO3, 2 ml of concentrated H2SO4 and 1 ml of 60% H2O2 at 100°C on a hot plate for two hours in a smoke cabinet. The subsequent arrangement was left over night and made up to 100 ml with deionized refined water. The substantial metals under investigation were resolved utilizing Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Pye Unicam Model sp - 9).
The centralizations of Cd, Pb and Cu in stem, leaves and underlying foundations of the two assortments of the spinach rewarded with pesticides are higher contrasted with the untreated examples as appeared in Tables 1 and 2. These recommend that use of pesticides on spinach builds the Cd, Pb and Cu fixations. It was additionally seen that the maroon spinach has a higher substantial metal assimilation contrasted and the green assortment. This might be attributed to its huge interfacial territory of the leaves contrasted with the green assortment.
The centralization of Cd, Pb and Cu in leaves of maroon Spinach rewarded with pesticides are 6.8, 1.4 and 18.6 occasions individually higher than the greatest fair degrees of 30mg/g, 300mg/g and 100mg/g for Cd, Pb and Cu separately in plants, while in green spinach rewarded with pesticides, the grouping of Cd, and Cu in leaves are 4.9 and 14.7 occasions separately higher than the most extreme mediocre level, yet Pb focus is inside middle of as far as possible in plants, in this way proposing poisonousness of these metals in the leaves of the two types of the spinach.
The concentration of Cadmium (Cd) in the leaves, stem and roots of the maroon spinach treated with pesticides are about 163%, 222% and 178% respectively higher than their corresponding concentration ii untreated maroon spinach. The Pb concentrations are 346%, 325% and 449% respectively higher than the untreated, while the Cu concentrations are 2545, 263 and 224% respectively higher than the untreated maroon spinach.
As for green spinach the concentration of Cd in stem, leaves and roots are about 156%, 238% and150% respectively higher than their corresponding concentrations in untreated green spinach. The Pb concentrations in stem, leaves and roots of treated green spinach are 163%, 454% and 462% respectively higher than the untreated while Cu concentrations are 156%, 407% and 346% respectively higher than the untreated green spinach as shown in Table 2. This result shows that the application of pesticides (DELVAP 1000 EC) contributed largely the contamination of spinach with the heavy metals Cd, Pb and Cu.

The results revealed that the application of pesticides (DELVAP 1000EC) increases the concentration of Cd, Pb and Cu in Spinach. The maroon specie of Spinach has higher tendency to accumulate Cd, Pb and Cu compared to the green specie. The leaves of spinach also accumulate higher concentration of the heavy metals (Cd, Pb and Cu) compared to the stem and roots. The concentration of Cd, Pb and Cu in leaves of maroon Spinach treated with pesticides are 6.8, 1.4 and 18.6 times respectively higher than the maximum tolerable levels of 30μg/g, 300μg/g and 100μg/g for Cd, Pb and Cu respectively in plants; while the green spinach treated with pesticides, the concentration of Cd and Cu in leaves are 4.9 and 14.7 times respectively higher than the maximum tolerable levels. 

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