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Teaching gross anatomy: Anatomage table as an innovative line of attack

Bahiru Tenaw*

Background: In medical education, with the emerging technology-assisted equipment, anatomage had developed as one of innovative approach for medical education teaching and learning tool for better understanding of basic sciences. The aim of this study was to explore the practicality of the virtual body dissection table and inclusive gratification among medical students in the teaching and learning of gross human anatomy.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted during 2019 academic calendar among second-year medical students at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Questionnaires modified to the local context designed to explore the practicality of the virtual body dissection table and inclusive gratification among medical students in the teaching and learning of gross human anatomy. Eighty nine study participants (51 males and 38 females) were participated.

Results: The majority, 80.89% of medical students study participants were satisfied that the anatomage had a helpful starring role and it was a supplementary tool for their learning and learning human anatomy and also gives well-known numerous benefits of using the anatomage table in the medical teaching and learning activities.

Conclusion: As a major basic medical science, learning human anatomy could be expressively wedged with real visual anatomy. Therefore, the use of virtual body dissection technology gives the impression to have an auspicious role in upcoming educational training programs.

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