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Practicing Hijamah regime in the management of Sciatica

Yaqoob Nadwi

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is playing a crucial role in human health and welfare since ancient times. Cupping therapy (Hijamah) is  a well documented tadbeer (intervention/ procedure) in Unani, Arabic, Persian and Indian systems of medicine as a result of several thousand years of clinical experiences of physicians. It is performed by applying cups to the selected parts of the body by creating a subatmospheric pressure, either by heat or by suction. Thus, promoting peripheral blood circulation and improving immunity. It is of two types dry cupping and wet cipping. Hijamah bil Shart involves removal of subcutaneous stagnant blood through suction cups after making superficial incisions at particular area of the body. Sciatica is a common cause of pain and disability, more persistent and severe than low backache where the pain radiates below the knee. According to all Unani, Arabic, Persian and Indian literature of Medicine, three main anatomical sites of hijamah were found to be effective in treating sciatic pain with Wet cupping if done repeatedly. This therapy may become more and much effective in the management of Sciatica if we follow the common rule of these systems of medicine i.e. Tanqiya umoomi (tanqiya badan) followed by the specific regimen of hijamah for Sciatica.

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